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No Whammy

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Silliness - January 31, 2013
Beirut - November 14, 2011
Graduating - May 13, 2011
Ugh. Come on BGSU and or waitlists at PSU and VT - March 30, 2011
Bitterly - March 20, 2011

May 13, 2011

Today is Friday; I graduate from college Sunday.

Lauralee is taking Kenny and I to Mexico this June: Ocean Coral and Turquesa. It's going to be amazing and ridiculous.

Lauren is graduating, which is outrageous. I don't know what I'll do when I see her: "Congratulations on not doing your work?" "Congratulations on getting a degree but not deserving it?" "Congratulations on being such a goddamn pain that Tom Bailey was willing to pass you even though you literally went to his class three times?"

I would really fucking like to get a job so that I don't feel like such an idiot all of the time. So I can make real money, and save real money, and get ready to start my life with Kenny. Transitioning sucks.

I have nothing to say to a lot of these people anymore.

Slogging though looking for jobs. Sometimes I wonder: what was I thinking? but then again, what major could I have done that would have been better? I want Karla and Joe to come home.

Woke up this morning with Kenny's bonershark raging against my thigh, and I lay as still as possible. I had just had a dream that I had been accepted to George Mason (I didn't apply there) with full funding. When I woke up I felt like shit, because, guess what, I hadn't. I just wanted to sleep. Kenny wanted to bone. Sometimes I think I should just do it, you know. So he won't leave like he did this morning. That's awful though.

I guess I should get dressed for this luncheon thing.


An unrelated piece of information I would rather not expand upon:

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All content by Liz: Picture by Chad(older page only)